Center for the Implementation of Public Policies for Equality and Growth


The CIPPEC (Center for the Implementation of Public Policies for Equality and Growth) is an independent, non-partisan, non-profit organization that works towards a just, democratic and efficient state that improves the lives of its people. For this purpose, it focuses its efforts in analyzing and promoting public policies that promote equality and growth in Argentina. Its greatest challenge is translating the best ideas that arise in Social and Economic Development, Institutions and Governance into concrete actions, through programs focusing on Education, Health, Social Protection, Fiscal Policy, Global Integration, Justice, Transparency, Policy and Governance, Advocacy, Monitoring and Evaluation and Local Development.

The Social Protection Program of CIPPEC has as its mission to contribute, from a rights-based approach, to allow Latin-American States (in their different levels of government) to design, manage and asses comprehensive social protection policies that will improve the quality of life of its people.  The Social Protection Program develops applied research and technical assistance projects to governments of the region and promotes the dialogue of social protection policies. CIPPEC is an operating partner for the social protection axis of the EUROsocial II Program and moderates the “Prioritize Equality” Social Protection Blog.

For CIPPEC, and especially for its Social Protection Program, the partnership with the IASPN establishes a strategic alliance of joint effort that has developed in the last few years, and it also represents the potential of generating many more synergies in the future.